Linguine With Cannellini Clam Sauce

Linguine & White Cannellini Clam Sauce

We hacked the Italian restaurant classic to add protein, fiber, flavor and texture – this is very much like the original only better!

This may be the place

I got the idea for this hack after a meal at a multi-century old Inn in western NJ. The main dinning room was filled when we arrived, unreserved, so we were seated several feet from a roaring-hot fireplace at one of several tables that were set up near the basement service bar. It was a cold night and the fire was welcomed and my wife and I watched as one server after another arrived to pick up drinks and drop off empties.

I ordered an appetizer that I had never before seen – fresh clams in white bean sauce. Garlic, fennel and rosemary flavored broth drenched the tender tiny calms and firm beans. It was delicious and within minutes there was nothing left but a small stack of empty clam shells and the last piece of crusty french bread that I used to collect the last few drops of that wonderful clam liquor. I can’t remember what else I consumed that evening but I do remember that delicious appetizer and the dish it inspired.

This recipe is also a great “Pantry Rescue” dish. A pantry rescue is what you use when it’s almost dinner time and you either forgot to take something out of the freezer to defrost or you had not even thought about what you might make for dinner. So instead of reaching for a takeout menu and loading your Uber Eats app you head over to your well-stocked pantry. There you find everything you need to make one meal or another. Just pick a protein, select a vegetable and maybe a starch. If you have the ingredients for a salad in your ‘fridge, add that and within a few minutes a reasonably healthy dinner prep is underway!

Give Linguine With White Cannellini Clam Sauce a try – you can, of course, follow the recipe’s instructions using canned clams and beans and get fine results. After you make it a few times why not try it with fresh clams and your own cooked beans? You just need to steam the clams (as can be seen here) and simmer the dried beans in salted water. It takes a little longer, but life’s about doing stuff, so maybe you’d like to expand your cooking experience.

As always, you are welcome to share your thoughts in the “Leave A Reply” section below. We would love to know what you think!

One more thing….I’m sorry to write that while researching for this post I learned that the old Inn where I had the inspirational appetizer is now closed with little prospect for reopening. Gather ye rosebuds my friends.

Linguine With Cannellini Clam Sauce

Linguine With Cannellini Clam Sauce

A wonderful hack of an Italian restaurant favorite.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4 People


  • 1 lb Linguine

  • 1 Can Chopped Clams (6oz)
  • 1 Can Whole Baby Clams (10 oz)
  • 1 Can Cannellini Beans (14 oz)
  • ½ Cup Diced Onion
  • ½ Cup Diced Celery
  • 3 Tbs Olive Oil
  • 2 Tbs Lemon Juice
  • 2 Tbs Chopped Garlic
  • 2 Tbs Italian Seasoning (Parsley, Basil, Oregano, Rosemary)
  • ¼ Tsp Thyme Leaves
  • 1 Small Small Bay Leaf
  • Salt & Pepper To Taste


Mise En Place

  • Chop garlic and dice onion and celery.
  • Begin heating a large pot of salted water to boil to cook the linguine.
  • Separate the clam liquid from the clams. Reserving both.
  • Drain and discard most of the cannellini liquid leaving just a few table spoons along with the beans.


  • In a sauce pan, saute the garlic in the olive oil for about one minute then add the onion and celery and continue sauteing until the onion is slightly translucent.
  • Reduce the heat to low and add the Italian seasoning, thyme, bay leaf and some salt and ground black pepper. Cover and allow mixture to sit for 30 seconds to develop flavors.
  • Add the clam liquid to the mixture, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes to cook the onion and celery.
  • While the sauce is simmering, begin cooing the linguine in the salted boiling water, stirring regularly.
  • Add the clams and beans to the sauce, return it to boil then simmer for about 5 minutes so that the sauce thickens slightly.
  • Return your attention to the linguine, check for doneness and drain and reserve when cooked to your liking.
  • Add the lemon juice to the sauce and turn off the heat. The sauce is ready!
  • Place 3-4 ounces of linguine in a shallow bowl, ladle 5-6 ounces of the White Cannellini Clam Sauce on top of the linguine and serve.


This dish is great served with a sprinkling of crushed
red pepper, crusty bread and a fresh salad on the side.
Keyword Beans, Clam, garlic, Pasta

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