Bowl of Kale Al Fresco

Kale Al Fresco

It seems like it was not that long ago that Kale was used mainly as a garnish. Something that your young child might glimpse on the edge of a plate, just under a spiced apple ring, the first time they ate at a restaurant that did not have a drive through and ask you, “Do we eat this?”. I was never really certain of the answer to that question. During my culinary training I learned that anything that is placed on a plate should be edible but the unnaturally vivid red color of the adjacent apple ring and the apparent durability of the curly cruciferous had me questioning everything. Anyway, back to the kale.

Is kale still considered the superfood that it was when it first exploded onto the scene in the 2010’s? I recall this “veggie come lately” being billed as a cure for low levels of any number of essential vitamins and minerals. It was hailed as being paleo, gluten free, high fiber and it had been shown to improve reading comprehension in both domestic and farm animals. OK, I made up that last one but you get the idea. It seems the hype has faded a bit and now we are left with a simple and healthy vegetable option.

My favorite preparation is Kale Al Fresco which is kale cooked in a fresh tomato sauce. It is a chef hack that recalls the crisp freshness of a short-cooked tomato preparation along with textured greens – a southern Italian classic made new. The addition of soy sauce and a very small amount of sauerkraut – two of my Chef Hacker favorites – adds a subtle but salty brightness. The recipe specifies canned diced tomatoes but fresh diced works as well.

Short Blitz Visit Kale Al Fresco Video

It can be served as is, as a side dish or over pasta, rice or potatoes as a vegan friendly entree. If you prefer animal protein you could always add sliced cooked chicken breast or filet of anchovies just prior to serving.

Give this one a try and if you do, send us a photo!

Kale Al Fresco Recipe Card
Bowl of Kale Al Fresco

Kale Al Fresco

This vegan friendly dish is one of our favorite ways to eat Kale. It can be served as a side dish or over pasta, rice or potatoes as an entree. Versatile and delicious!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4


  • 8 Oz Fresh Kale You may substitute frozen but fresh is much more crisp and flavorful.
  • 2 Cloves Garlic
  • 1 Small Onion
  • 1 Stalk Celery
  • 1 Oz Sauerkraut
  • 14 Oz Canned Diced Tomatoes
  • 1 Oz Soy Sauce
  • 1 Oz Olive Oil
  • ¼ Tsp Dried Oregano
  • ¼ Tsp Fresh or Dried Basil
  • ¼ Tsp Dried Parsley
  • Tsp Dried Rosemary
  • Scant Shake Dried Red Pepper Flakes Optional
  • Salt & Pepper To Taste


Mise En Place

  • Trim kale to remove any stems or leaves that are brown, split or curled and cut it into pieces that are about 3 inches long.
  • Submerge kale in cold water and stir to remove any sand or dirt.
  • Using your hands, lift kale from water so that dirt or sand drops away and transfer kale to a strainer to drain.
  • Peel and finely chop garlic.
  • Peel onion and dice onion and celery into ¼ inch pieces.


  • Heat olive oil in a tall pot over medium to high heat.
  • Add garlic and reduce heat to medium to brown garlic slightly.
  • Add onion and celery and cook until onion becomes translucent.
  • Reduce heat to lowest setting and add in all of the seasonings, stir well and cover and let mixture rest for 1 minute to expand the flavor of the seasonings in the oil.
  • Add drained kale, tomatoes, sauerkraut and soy sauce to mixture. Cover and bring to boil then simmer, stirring occasionally, until Kale is cooked to the doneness of your liking. This will take from about 12 minutes for al dente to 20 minutes for softer kale.
  • Taste for salt and pepper and adjust to your preference.
  • Serve as a side dish or over pasta, rice or potatoes as an entree.


This is a wonderful dish as is but if you prefer meals that include meat you can add sliced chicken, sausage or shrimp, tuna or salmon or really any of your favorite proteins. 
Keyword Tomato

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